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Before & Afters | Patient Testimonials

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Patient Testimonials


My overall experience with Charlotte Dental Arts has been phenomenal. I feel like they are family to me, and I never feel like I'm wanting for anything.

Howard Speaking On His Invisalign Treatment
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A woman showcasing a bright, white new smile, her expression radiant with confidence and joy.

Sedation Dentistry | Dental Crowns | Invisalign

For me, it's been amazing because I can get the treatment that I need done and not have to worry about being so stressed during it. I wake up and everything's been finished and completed.

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Sedation Dentistry | Anxiety Treatment

He understands my fear. From the very beginning, he has been really patient with any procedures that I've had to have done.

A joyful patient smiling broadly in a YouTube thumbnail, her radiant white smile serving as a glowing testimonial to her dental transformation.
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A man's headshot capturing his confident smile post-periodontal treatment, symbolizing a journey of recovery and renewal.

Gum Disease Treatment | Periodontal Issues

The thing about Dr. Porter is, they do everything they can to make you comfortable.

A thumbnail capturing the moment of a person's smile transformation, showcasing the successful journey from periodontal challenges to a healthy, confident smile.
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A close-up of Jenna, her newfound confidence illuminated by her vibrant, healthy smile post-Smile Makeover, reflecting her triumph over past dental struggles.

Chipped Teeth | Whitening

This procedure has completely changed my life. It has made me extremely confident in myself.

Jenna's Smile Makeover: A thumbnail snapshot capturing Jenna’s emotional and transformative journey with Dr. Porter at Charlotte Dental Arts, highlighting her joyful, confident smile.
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Any Of These Sound Like You?

Our Patients Have The Best Smiles

Before And Afters



Years of dental neglect have led to reduced appearance and function of remaining teeth. Severe notching at the gumline due to clenching and grinding have reduced the structural integrity and appearance of his remaining teeth.


All cracked and unsavable teeth were removed and an upper partial denture placed to restore function and create a confident new smile.

Pyong Missing Front Teeth, Deteriorated Bottom TeethPyong With New Dentures

Smile Makeover | Dental Crowns


Clenching and grinding caused James’ teeth to chip and wear down. Gastro reflux wore off layers of enamel, severely weakening his teeth. His main concerns were the appearance of his smile and strengthening the weakened enamel.


Full ceramic crowns were placed on all teeth to restore function, length, and color leading to an attractive and confident new smile.  This treatment addressed his aesthetic concerns as well as strengthening his teeth.

A smile with chipped front teeth and noticeable yellow tint from staining.Restored teeth with composite bonding for a smooth appearance and a bright, whitened smile.

Smile Makeover | Denture


Sandy had been dealing with an improper-fitting upper partial denture that would fall out when eating and non-restorable front teeth, causing sensitivity and pain.


The removal of the remaining non-restorable natural teeth and placement of an upper denture provided her with a comfortable eating experience and a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

A smile with crooked teeth and an overbite, creating an uneven appearance.after-smile-makeover-sandy
A headshot capturing a radiant smile transformation, where once crooked and yellowed teeth now gleam with perfect alignment and a brilliant white, reflecting newfound confidence and joy.

Smile Makeover | Straightening | Dental Crowns


Tammie was dissatisfied with the appearance of her teeth. She did not like their color, shape, or spacing. Unfortunately, she had a high cavity rate and was in pain due to decay caused by dry mouth and excessive sugar consumption.


Tammie elected for root canal treatment to alleviate her pain and the placement of full ceramic crowns on her upper arch. To address the lower crowding, Tammie is in Invisalign to straighten and correct the positioning of her lower teeth. After completing the Invisalign treatment, the patient will have full ceramic crowns fitted to her lower arch.

A smile showing crooked alignment and a yellow hue from staining.Straightened teeth and a lifted, white smile free of discoloration.

Smile Makeover | Dental Crowns


A cracked and improper-fitting partial denture made her insecure about her smile, leading to a lack of confidence to smile in photos with her great-grandchildren.


Due to advanced periodontal disease, all remaining natural teeth had to be removed. The placement of a new upper denture gave the patient a functional bite and a beautiful, white smile that gave her the confidence to smile in photos.

A smile hindered by chips, yellowing, and crookedness, reflecting dental woes.A flawless transformation to a bright, straight smile, radiating confidence.

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